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The Last Alliance


The Upper Floor

Day 20

Version 1.0 21/11/02

By Adrian Champion

Equipment Used

Mounting board/Artists card.

Balsa wood sheets.
Balsa wood rods of various thicknesses..
Thin card (cereal box).
Car body repair mesh.
A selection of pre-made plastic pieces from other model ranges. Notably the GW mordheim accessory sprue, and warhammer cannon sprues.
PVA glue.
Super Glue.
Static grass.
Black undercoat spray.
Selection of paints.

Ok, because I still haven’t decided on the internal walls, I decided to finish the bulk of the roof off.

I’ve already covered the wings of the building, now all I need to do is link it all together to make the roof one entire unit. And what a pain in the backside this turned out to be.

I started by measuring a point halfway between the front and rear walls of the pub and used that as a reference point for the apex of this new bit of roof. I then had to cut a parallelogram (thank god for spell-check) to fit the space. I’ve included a scan of my roof sections.

The long edge is the top. I glued this into place after making a second copy, making sure that every part of the roofs was lined up correctly all around the building. It would not be a good thing to have to go through this again.

I then glued the second section into place, using a strip of cellotape to hold it in place while the glue dried.

IMPORTANT! Make sure none of the glue is touching the main building, else you may damage the building ripping the roof away. Careful now.

I also glued strips of tape down the shorter edges too. I’m going to cover the entire thing with tiles (and how much am I looking forward to that part) so it’s a fine way of ensuring a little extra security.

It looks a little weird to me, so I will add an attic extension tomorrow I think. The roof is now one complete section, and from beneath it looks something like this:

Hmm, going to have to cut myself a million roof tiles now. That could take a month in itself.

<< Day 18


Adrian Champion




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