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The Last Alliance


The Upper Floor

Day 2

Version 1.0 4/11/02

By Adrian Champion

Equipment Used

Mounting board/Artists card.

Balsa wood sheets.
Balsa wood rods of various thicknesses..
Thin card (cereal box).
Car body repair mesh.
A selection of pre-made plastic pieces from other model ranges. Notably the GW mordheim accessory sprue, and warhammer cannon sprues.
PVA glue.
Super Glue.
Static grass.
Black undercoat spray.
Selection of paints.


If you'll remember from ground floor guide, the internal staircase had a bannister that extended above the height of the walls. You’ll need to cut a hole to allow the upper floor to sit comfortably on top of this. Be very careful to make this line up correctly. The walls of the courtyard should all match up with the upper floor.

Now its time to start raising the walls. I started with the three walls surrounding the courtyard. As with the lower floor, I kept all of these 3 inches in height. As Aaron pointed out in his PDF guides, this is actually a bit too high for the houses, but I need to continue at this height to make the Pony look consistant. The Pony is also a special case in that the walls need to be high to allow figures to remain inside when the upper sections are placed on top. I would advise anyone who hasn’t starting building yet to maybe trim down the wall heights by an inch.

There needs to be a hole cut for the doorway at the top of the courtyard staircase to allow access. I made this my standard 1 and a ¼ inch high for consistency.

I welcome suggestions at this point for the internal layout. Looking down from above, you can see that there is plenty of space, but that will soon fill up with rooms, corridors and furniture. I’m hoping to include multiple routes through the floor so that it’s a real chase setting, with a couple of rooms to make a desperate defence in.

If you have any ideas, then go and leave me your ideas on the site message board located here.

<< Day 1


Adrian Champion




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